Advanced Color Picker

How to use it

Put this code in the <head> section of your HTML file:
<script type="text/javascript">
var baseFolder="";
<script type="text/javascript" src="acp/js/picker.js"></script>

baseFolder shoud reflect the location for the "acp" folder. (Eg: "/" if is in the root, "/scripts" if it's located in a folder called "scripts".)

Here is the list of parameters accepted

Below are some examples of how the color picker works.

Input element with '#'

openPallete('input-color', 0, true) or openPallete('input-color')

Input element without '#'

openPallete('input-color2', 0, false)

Background color on any element

openPallete('background-color', 1)
Pick! Background

Text Color

openPallete('text-color', 2)
Pick! Text Color

Border Color

openPallete('border-color', 3)
Pick! Border Color